Lieselot De Wilde, voice
Aya Suzuki, vibraphone & percussion
Sofie Vanden Eynde, concept, lute, theorbo & artistic direction
Heleen Van Haegenborgh, composition
Lace and Sunday visits to my grandmother’s house. For me, they are inextricably linked. This refined craft has always captured my imagination. Wafer-thin threads shape the void and conjure up wonderful motifs. In lacework, it is not matter, but the absence of matter that creates beauty.
Japanese culture also pays attention to the interval, or space between two events in time. The Japanese language even has a character for it: “ma”. “Ma” is a state of being between things. “Ma” also has a musical meaning: in Japanese musical art, the character indicates a silence between two notes or sounds.
In this new programme, IMAGO MUNDI puts creative silence at the heart of its work, using ancient song lyrics about “sleep”. While slumbering, we surrender to the void and navigate between dream and reality, day and night, and life and death. A new composition by Heleen Van Haegenborgh delineates this nocturnal space, like a gossamer thread that reveals the pattern of the lace.
Early music by J. Dowland, O. Lassus, T. Merula
Less early music by J. Cage, B. Britten
New music by H. Van Haegenborgh
a production of IMAGO MUNDI, in co-production with MAfestival Brugge